Les Madelines Bakery

Last week, my sister Celeste took me to eat for a birthday lunch at the yummiest little french bakery! It is called Les Madeleines. It is across from the downtown library on 5th south between 2nd and 3rd east. Not only is there an amazing selection of unique sandwiches and salads, but the pastry chef is world renowned and this one particular pastry called the ‘Kouing Aman’ is seriously incredible. They ship it all over the country. That may or may not have been me you saw on my hands and knees eating the crumbs from off the floor.

They also have very affordable ($50) pastry classes. I’m definitely doing these after the New Year. Anyone want to join me?


I love me some Kouing Aman! I’ve been going here for years and cannot get enough!! A friend of mine took the croissant class and really enjoyed it. If you drop by 660 S. State Street you’ll see her old location, complete with adorable chartreuse green awning…it’s too bad she couldn’t bring it with her!

oh, me, me! i want to take a pastry class. what a great christmas gift that would be. i have heard about their K.A. i’ve got to try it.

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