Constellation Embroidery

A friend of mine here is expecting a little one any day now and is in that full blown nesting phase. I love this project of hers recently where she embroidered a few favorite constellations to frame for their nursery. Aren’t they beautiful? I love the pop against that bright blue fabric.

Handmade items in a nursery are so sweet. Any moms out there make anything during their nesting phase? I don’t remember making much before, unless you count all those plates of nachos at 10pm (oh, and the actual BABY).


thanks, liz! 🙂 i finally saw your post – it's been so crazy adjusting to no sleep. haha! you posted right on oliver's birthday – good timing. thanks again. i wonder if i will ever have time again to do things like embroider…or let's be honest, even shower each day!

what is more perfect in a nursery than constellations? love it.

Its so much harder for me to come up with boy decor ideas as opposed to girl! This is super cute, thanks for sharing!

I'm with kira, I'd love this just about anywhere in the house. Such a cute idea.

wow i love the color she chose and the simplicity in them. what a cute, creative and unique idea.i have been making a lot! my favorite so far is the confetti system garland. i fell in love with them the first second i saw them and knew i would have to rereate my own version. it was soooo it is-

How gorgeous! Note to self: learn to embroider, then make a baby!

Ha ha, your last line made me laugh! And these are just gorgeous, what a lovely idea.

This is totally cool… and educational too =)- Sarah

I love this idea! It would go perfectly with the array of moon paintings I want in my someday nursery.

So pretty! Especially love the blue color she chose.When I was nesting I made a polka dot mobile with a friend an Oakland temple print.Wish I still had that motivation and energy right now 🙂

These are gorgeous! What a great idea!

Wow, those are SO pretty. What a neat thing to put in a nursery!KaylaFreckles in April

simple but stunning…i'd love to have this in my own room nevermind a nursery!

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