A Thanksgiving Pinata

We decided to make a Thanksgiving pinata after seeing my good friend Kendra’s really fun stop motion video for making a party pinata here. It looked like a lot of fun and perfect to entertain all seven toddlers under 3 between dinner and dessert on Thanksgiving.

We followed the video tutorial pretty much step by step and then decorated it with cupcake liners. I was imagining that I had more red and orange cupcake liners, so it kind of screams more Easter than Thanksgiving. I’m okay with that though, are you? The best part for Henry was popping the balloon and putting all the candy inside.

I’ll be taking a little blogging break during this holiday weekend, hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Super cute, and so creative!Liesl 🙂

I think your cute Pinata looks very Thanksgiving-ie! I bet the kiddos loved 'em ;]

How fun! This is a great idea for any holiday or birthday. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, Liz!

How cute! I love pinatas. We had them at our wedding reception. 🙂

looks super cute!! no pinatas here in the uk but this one looks amazing!londonviennacologne.blogspot.com

I love the colors, in fact, i like yours better than the video's!what a great idea!

What a great idea! I love things that get the kids involved!!!

so sweet, and perfect for all those kiddos coming!

I've never made a pinata, but this looks like a lot of fun. Very pretty pinata

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