Hello Sponsors: Cosas Minimas

I’m so excited to introduce you to Cosas Minimas as a new sponsor here because it’s one of my very favorite print shops on etsy. I’m just in love with the whimsical and colorful European inspired prints. Blanca Gomez is a illustrator and designer from Madrid who creates these beautiful prints, greeting cards, and even buttons and pocket mirrors and sells for very reasonable prices over at her shop. Simplistic, colorful and beautiful illustrations. What more do you need in affordable art? Head on over and check out her beautiful work for yourself!

Interested in advertising on Say Yes to Hoboken? Email me at lizstan (at) gmail.com for current rates


I like very much Blanca's printsI'm a spanish illustrator too,my english isn't goog… sorry, but I will come here

This would be perfect for my girl's nursery. Pretty, pretty!

I'm such a sucker for simple and colorful designs like these. Love them

Love, love, LOVE these adorable prints!! I will definitely be checking out her lovely shop.

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