Savory Christmas Dinner Crepes

This yummy post is contributed by Caroline of Armelle Blog

Crêpes are often though of as a sweet dessert, but savory crêpes are equally as good, and are a perfect dish to add to your holiday table! My family has made these savory dinner crêpes for special holidays as long as I can remember, it really isn’t Christmas unless our favorite dinner crêpes are served!
This is a great recipe that can be prepared in advance, then filled, rolled, and heated up all ready for your Christmas dinner!
Here’s the recipe…
Ham, Gruyere Cheese, and Mushroom Savory Dinner Crêpes
(makes approximately 30 medium sized crêpes with filling)
20-30 cooked crêpes from your favorite crepe recipe (be sure to leave out any vanilla or sugar, since this is a savory crêpe)
For the French Crêpes
makes about 25-30 small crêpes
1 1/2 cup water
1 1/2 cup milk
2 ¼ cups
4 tbs melted butter
6 large eggs
1) Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until fully combined.
Place in a large bowl, if you have time, cover and place in refrigerator overnight, or at least 2-4 hours minimum in order
for flour to completely emulsify.
2) When ready to cook. Place crepe skillet on medium heat. Coat the pan lightly with butter to prevent the crepe from
sticking. Add 1/4 c batter in crepe pan. Swirl the batter quickly, and coat the pan and cook until the edges are brown. flip
and cook another minute. The first few crepes hardly ever turn out great, so chin up and keep at it!
For the Creamy Ham, Cheese, and Mushroom Filling
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup onions, diced small
1 green pepper, diced small
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons flour
1 ½ cups half and half milk
1 cup sour cream
2 egg yolks
½ tsp sugar
3/4 tsp pepper [or to taste]
3/4 tsp salt [or to taste]
¼ teaspoon Italian seasoning
2 cups shredded Gruyère cheese, (plus ½ cup for toppings)
4 cups thinly sliced deli ham, cubed (good quality)
4 cups mushrooms, thinly sliced or diced small.
Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
1)   Heat butter and olive oil in a large sauce pan over medium heat. Sauté onions, and green peppers until soft, about 5-7
minutes. Add garlic, and stir for one minute. Turn heat down to medium low and add flour. Mix well.
2)  Then, whisk in milk, sour cream, egg yolks, salt, pepper, italian seasoning, and sugar; and stir well.
Add the Gruyère cheese, and continually mix as the sauce thickens, and the cheese melts. Remove the sauce pan from the heat once all of the
cheese has melted. Then, add the mushrooms, and ham; and mix until incorporated.
Place good amount of mixture into the prepared crepes and roll them up setting them next to each other in a baking dish.
Sprinkle ½ cup shredded Gruyère cheese over the top of the crêpes. Place in oven just until the cheese melts on the top of
the crepes. (about 15-20 minutes) Garnish with chopped parsley (optional). Serve immediately.


According to a dear friend, frenchman and crepe chef, savory crepes (aka galettes) should be made with buckwheat flour. The buckwheat flour gives them a wonderful earthy, hearty flavor that makes an excellent entree.

Happy eating!

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