Apartment Search!

Two weeks before our moving date, the loft that we thought was a done deal fell through and now we’re back to square one, scrambling to find a place in san francisco, when we really just need to be packing! Ideally, we’d like to be in SOMA (where his work is) and also would like 2bdrm, laundry at least in bldg, dishwasher, easy parking, hoping < $2400. But we're also looking at places like noe and cole valley. Jared is flying out last minute tomorrow to check out some places seen on craigslist but if you have any leads or any ideas, give me a holler!!! lizstan@gmail.com


As a native San Franciscan, I would say you should be able to find something… 2 bedroom, with parking etc, in SoMa if you look around. Craigslist is good but has quite a few scammers. I also suggest visiting urban bay properties… ubayp.com On immediate glance I didn't see anything in your price range but those apartments are out there. You can email me if you wish to as if a location of a property is in a ghetto area or not! 🙂 ireaditonablog@gmail.com

get a portable dishwasher… it has saved my life! and we got it for like $50 on ksl.so jealous you are moving to ca. and i'll be stuck here in ut for at least a few more years. boo.

well…. we couldn't find a place this weekend so we'll move out and crash at my uncles in the 'burbs for a few weeks while we continue looking. plus he has a pool. is it warmer in the east bay? like swim warm? he lives 40 minutes east.

if you don't mind living in the foggy sunset, there seem to be more dishwashers there. i don't know why. but make sure to live in the inner sunset not the outer. oh, and my place in noe valley had one, too.

Things cold be worse. In Orange County CA no apartments come with fridges. None. San Diego, no problem. LA, no problem. It's the weirdest thing ever.Good luck guys!

wow! gahh that is crazy liz. it looks like you'll be living in a Full House house.

Moving to SF – that's exciting, hope you find what you're looking for

Hi Liz! Thanks for your comment! I actually got it last year and I'm SO glad it is the most comfy thing I've ever owned…hahah! Sorry to hear about your situation. Moving is no fun. Good luck with SF! I'm so jealous…the husband and I would love to go there for grad school!

i know what is the deal with the no dishwasher thing? i'm having a hard time find one. i didnt have one when i lived in manhattan (but i never cooked!) but in hoboken we did and going back to no dishwasher seems kind of hellish.

That sucks! Sorry the loft fell through. I know you'll find something great though. Good luck

Dishwasher. Ha! San Francisco and Brooklyn are the only places in America that you can pay $2400+ and not get a dishwasher. I'm currently apartment hunting in BK, and it's rough!Good luck.

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