Mr. Peanut, the next generation

Guess what?

I’m pregnant!
See that little nugget? He’s 10 weeks old as a fetus. Due date: New Years Day 2008! I think he kind of looks like a Mr. Peanut, so that’s his name right now. We’ll only change the name if and when we find out it’s girl, then it will be Mrs. Peanut. My little brother, Spencer, used to be called Mr. Peanut, but I think it should now be this little nugget’s name.

We’re feeling so excited (and scared too), but mostly just excited and blessed 🙂
When we had our ultrasound and took this picture last week, they thought it might have been twins. The doctor couldn’t figure it out so he had to send us to the hospital to have a more advanced ultrasound. Holy Cow. But it’s just one little peanut in there. Phew! I don’t think I could handle more than that. Mr. Peanut was dancing around moving its legs and arms- looking kind of like this robot dance Jared does. It was pretty sweet. We heard and saw its little peanut heartbeat too.
Well, I just have two more weeks until school’s out and two things begin: my summer vacation and my second trimester (good timing). Hopefully I’ll be feeling much better.

Yeah for Mr. Peanut!


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