Winter Capsule

By fashion editor Ashley

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Have you heard of capsule wardrobes? I ran across it a few months ago, here and here. The basic idea is that you divide your wardrobe into different capsules for the four seasons of the year. Another huge catch is that you pair down your clothes for the season to a certain number (37 seems to be popular) including shoes, jackets, coats, tops, bottoms and dresses. Seems like an impossible task, am I right? Well I decided to try it. And it’s not! It’s actually very possible and liberating so far. It’s easier to put looks together and my closet has so much more space. I decided to share 10 items from my winter capsule. Spoil alert… there is a lot of black and neutrals! Would you ever try encapsulating your wardrobe? What would be your must have piece?

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one / two / three / four (imagehere is the one I got) / five / six / seven / eight (similar) / nine (on SUPER sale!) / ten


Inspired by your post, I’m 11 days into my first capsule wardrobe… thanks! Love the uncluttered makeover and the new combinations I’m challenged to try!

I love the idea of a capsule wardrobe but I’ve never seen one that was colorful or happy looking, to me. I adore the neutral look…on other people. I would love to see a capsule wardrobe with some bright color or personality. Everyone looks like Un-Fancy! 🙂 I live in a sunny climate & I wanna look like summer all year round!

With our mild winters here in California I forget that everyone else is bundled head to toe! I actually even miss it a little… I think.

yes!!! This is my second capsule wardrobe and I LOVE it. My first was this fall, and I just used what I had, and it was surprisingly eye-opening. I just finished finalizing my winter capsule wardrobe last week and it makes me so happy. I look forward to getting dressed every single morning!

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