Hello Sponsors: Kiki and Polly

A fantastic new sponsor to introduce to you today: the beautiful artwork of Kiki and Polly. She sells mostly prints, with some originals as well. My favorites are the pool series ones like all together, girl in the yellow suit, and in the depths. Aren’t they beautiful? She even does custom portrait sketches, wouldn’t that be sweet for a nursery? Very nostalgic and whimsical. You might have spotted a couple of her prints in my workspace I shared with you last week. They are even lovelier in person. Be sure to check out her shop for the whole collection.

Interested in advertising on Say Yes to Hoboken? Email me at lizstan (at) gmail.com for current rates

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What a darling shop!! I will have to pop over there to check it out! :)xoxox Holly

These are so precious. Love that little bathing suit.

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