Couple Geneology tree

My parents gave Jared and I this super awesome christmas present, and it was a surprise! There are two simple geneology trees framed next to each other with pretty red and orange leaves for each ancestor. On each leaf, you can write in pretty calligraphy the names and birth dates of your ancestors as you can see in the picture below. We’ve put up the frames but haven’t written on the leaves yet. I bought a calligraphy pen last week and want to at least get my handwriting decent before making it permanent on the tree. It’s so cute. The best kind of gift because not something I would have splurged on for myself probably, but definitely something I want. I’m definitely keeping it in mind for newlyweds.
You can pick one up here at red envelope.


What a great gift. When you’re ready for names I’m ready to send you some for his half. Love, Donna

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