Our Favorite Classic Picturebooks


One question I get asked a lot from readers are ideas for baby shower gifts. I’ve done a post on it before, but I keep coming back to classic children’s books as my favorite gifts for a new baby (especially a first baby). Here are 15 classic ones, many that were favorites of mine as a child…

classic kids books

Blueberries for Sal
This Little House
Are You My Mother? 
The Story of Ferdinand
Harold and the Purple Crayon
The Little Red Lighthouse
Caps for Sale
Tikki Tikki Tembo
Goodnight Moon
The Little Engine that Could
The Giving Tree
Where the Wild Things Are

Any classic children’s books that you’d recommend? Also, some survival tips for reading books with toddlers.



Richard Scarry books were mine and my daughters favorite books of all time. I would add Jamberry, Moonbear and Each Peach Pear Plum as classic picture books we love. Frog and Toad and Little Bear are great first short chapter stories. Orlando’s Little While Friends is a great book that I loved from my childhood that really helped my little one make friends.

Classics our kids have loved and we give for gifts are Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel, Each Peach Pear Plum, and The Gruffalo for a slightly newer classic.

Thanks for the toddler tips! I get discouraged by the running off to go do something else… I’ve been slacking on reading lately too. This has inspired me. Another few of our favorites are The little engine that could and The fur family. But my toddler is super into Richard Scarry’s books, mainly the big ones that don’t really have a plot. Kind of boring, but he loves them.

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